Monday, January 19, 2009

I love Mondays!!!

I love Monday because it represents the beginning of my workweek and the kids' school week. It is my fresh start. It's a new week! For that matter I can say the first week in a new month is equally exciting. Who doesn't like new - rhetorical question of course.

Tips for creating newness for Monday:
  1. Review your plans for this week and the events that will take place only this week.
  2. Create a NEW call list on Friday to begin on Monday.
  3. Observe that you have been away from the office for two days and the smell is different than last Friday's smell.
  4. Wear your into your business attire even if you don't have an appointment. You'll feel confident and stylish no doubt.
  5. You have 5 new days to accomplish something on your to-do, goals, or wish list. Decide what that will look like the prior Friday so you can jump right in and get started on Monday.
  6. Observe the heightened and fresh energy of those around you. They may not be aware of it but you are and you can FEEL it. It feels great, new & refreshing. Enjoy!

I wish you a great new Monday!

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